Finetune Your Biz for ONLY $4.97!
Launch Your Solopreneur Business in 7 Days for just $4.97.
The Side Hustle Success Packvalued at over $350 is designed with dozens of digital products to help propel entrepreneurs towards their business goals. Gain access to a wealth of resources, including:
√ The Profitable Side Hustles ebook
√ Personal Branding Blueprint
√ Simple 7 Step Business Plan
√ 60 Ready-to-Post Social media Captions
√ Hundreds customizable Canva templates for everything from brand boards, social media stories and carousels.
√ Plus, the ChatGPT Playbook offers over 500 prompts to simplify your business.
All prices in USD
Launch Your Solopreneur Business in 7 Days for just $7.
This mini-course is designed to guide you through each foundational aspect of successfully running a business, from defining your vision to acquiring your first clients—delivered in a concise, text-based format that respects your time and cuts straight to the action. Already have a business? Then this mini-course will serve as a comprehensive audit to make sure you haven't overlooked any critical elements for success.
You get all this for a one-time $4.97 payment:
Daily Actionable Worksheets
Access to an exclusive community
Day 1: Define Your Vision and Goals
Day 2: Identify Your Target Audience
Day 3: Set Up Your Brand Basics
Day 4: Develop Your Core Offer
Day 5: Create Your Online Presence
Day 6: Plan Your Marketing Strategy
Day 7: Sales and Client Acquisition
Bonus Workbooks & Templates:
Goal Setting and Vision Board Worksheet
Ideal Client Profile worksheet
Branding Checklist worksheet
Offer Development Worksheet
Website Planning Guide
Annual Content Compass Worksheet
Marketing Strategy Planner
Sales Call Worksheet
One Page Website Canva Template
Beta client Email Welcome Sequence
Social Media Post Templates
Sales Tracking Trello Board
Social Media Graphic Templates
Content Calendar Google Worksheet
...and more!